WYSKER will provide digital trading services

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The wysker Platform was built to improve the current standards of digital commerce. Wysker was built on the belief that consumers should have the right to own, control, and profit from their data. Today, the Internet is far removed from these aspirations and users’ data will become increasingly valuable. wysker’s mission is to change this imbalance and put consumers back in control.

The future of e-commerce
is driven by consumer data
The Internet lets you buy, but it doesn't let you shop. Over the last 15 years there has been no radical innovation in e-commerce. By solving mobile discovery, the wysker platform unlocks a multi-billion dollar opportunity. It is a radically new shopping experience that generates breakthrough data. Through the use of the blockchain it returns data ownership to its users. The result is consumer empowerment and unparalleled sales potential for retailers and advertisers.

The wysker app - enter
a new world of shopping
Imagine browsing through thousands of online shops with just a single button. Use wysker to discover new products faster than ever before while earning wys tokens along the way. With over 500 unique online shops connected to the system, users can now discover at up to 20 items per second.

The benefits of blockchain-
based advertising

The blockchain is at the core of the wysker platform, allowing users and advertisers to have a direct relationship while protecting consumer privacy and preventing fraud. It cuts out the middleman and enables a new concept we call “advertising based on consent”. In this model, the user is in control of their data and can give selective access in exchange for wys tokens.

A new token designed for
digital commerce
The wys token gives consumers discounts for product views, advertisers access to customers, and retailers new opportunities to increase their sales. It’s an ERC20 utility token that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. Here is how it works:

you can check for more informations on this below :
Website : https://www.wystoken.org/ 
Whitepaper : https://www.wystoken.org/media/wysker-whitepaper.pdf 
BTT : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2418514.0 
Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/GdV8ekvBPvz1J0uTqGEfvw

by: HerdiRFauzi
Link Profile BTC : KLIK  

Eth Address :  0x7884248bcd5b455242c7FCF11b60Dd849dA68684
Btc Address : 12xvYxJuF8Cn3Amp5ppJDGWRtFvsAsjx3S

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